
How To Get Instant And Accurate Results With Neoskin

August 15, 2024
What does NeoSkin do?

NeoSkin is powered by the latest AI technology, detecting 10 of the most common skin concerns. Our solution has been trained using millions of data points to discern and recognise concerns such as fine lines and wrinkles, blemishes, acne, dark spots and hyperpigmentation, and hydration. 

How does NeoSkin work?

NeoSkin uses our patented technology (FACE SDK) to track and analyse the user's skin in real-time. It does so by using the camera on the user's device, either tablet, desktop or smartphone, which means that there are several factors that can affect users' results;

  • Camera damage
  • Lighting intensity and colour tone of device.
  • Partial covering of the face by hair/clothing/glasses.
  • Wearing makeup during use, which can cover or change the appearance of your natural skin.
  • Anything else that affects your skin temporarily (rashes, bites, applying toner/lotion just before).
  • Using your desktop camera rather than your smartphone camera, smartphone cameras are a lot higher in resolution and can therefore pick up your skin health more accurately.

Here is how to make sure you get the most accurate results with NeoSkin:

Allow camera permissions.

Make sure to check your device settings to enable camera access for in-browser use.

Make sure you are not wearing any make-up, and your face is free of obstruction.

This can cover and change the appearance of your skin concerns leading to a false skin health analysis. Check that your face isn’t covered by hair/clothing/glasses.

Find neutral and natural lighting, not too strong yet not too dark.

It helps if users position themselves so that there is even lighting across their face, and try avoid shadows from downlights, bright lights, and backlights.

Keep a neutral, relaxed face.

A user’s facial expressions can cause artificial wrinkles and shadows across the face - providing false wrinkle analysis and potentially covering other skin concerns.

Interpreting Your Skin Health Results


The AI face scan will output instant skin health results. The user lands on the skin health matrix which highlights skin strengths, and skin concerns which should be prioritised, as per the AI recommendation. 


To learn more about specific skin concerns such as what they are and why they happen, as well as personalised regional skin health results, tap through the icons. 

Interested to find out more about NeoSkin? Contact our team or book your free demo here.


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